
Making the most of a negative situation

It is hard for me to believe that it has been seven months since I wrote a blog. Seven months! To sit down and get this done is a major positive for me in these negative times.

The coronavirus has most definitely created havoc in our lives. It has placed restrictions on what we can do, where we can go, who we can see. Everything.

I’m not one to sit and do nothing and try to make the most of a bad situation whether it is to look for an alternative solution, overcome it, or ignore it.

Being retired, it has been no problem for me to remain at home. I was coming down the home stretch with my latest project – The Dancing Couple – and it gave me a reason to get it done quicker, even released it five days earlier than my original target date.

As soon as I finished the book, I thought long and hard about whether I should indulge in my promised treat – a pedicure. Figured it fell within the “social distancing” parameters. Turned out, I was the only one in the shop!

To waylay boredom, I immediately tackled the checkbook and reconciled bank statements. It’s a great feeling to know that you haven’t made any mathematical errors since the first of the year – that’s how long it had been!

I took a good look at my kitchen cabinets and the freezer and have tried to use what I already had. You’d be surprised at the number of items that were close to their “use by” date!

I feel for the small businesses that are being forced to either shut down or get creative with their marketing. I appreciate their “curb service” and the other day I did a “pickup” at the grocery store, then stopped by a restaurant on the way home. The waitress met me at the door and was most appreciative of the sale and tip.

I set up a family SMS group so that we can all keep in touch. We’ve shared jokes, pictures and updates. I’m even getting better with Skype!

Much to the dismay of my husband, I’ve started my spring cleaning and he has been making frequent trips to the basement, and landfill, as I am also decluttering.

It’s so unfortunate that when our country was doing so well economically, we should be hit with this plight. But we are strong and will be on top once again. What are some things you have done to make the most of a negative situation?